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Diverse birdlife guarantees a spectacular competition

Diverse birdlife guarantees a spectacular competition

Birds are present everywhere, so we welcome everyone to the competition who walks the world with open eyes and recognizes the beauty of birds either in the park, garden or even the urban jungle. The diversity of birds guarantees a spectacular competition again this year, but it's important that we only accept photos taken based on ethical principles. It is expected that the photographer will not disturb the birds in their breeding, resting places, or natural movements.

We consider it our mission to support domestic bird protection with our means, therefore we have announced the Conservation category, providing a platform for photo series on bird protection topics. In addition, participants can compete in nine other categories without an entry fee. The competition is not bound to photographic professional experience or age.

The overall winner will be awarded the title of Birdo Bird Photographer of the Year and the main prize. Photographers under the age of 21 will compete for the title of Birdo Young Bird Photographer of the Year and its associated main prize, and it will also be decided which image will be Birdo Bird Photo of the Year in 2024.

As our competition is international, this year we have invited two new foreign participants to the seven-member jury, who will assist in the objective and professional evaluation of the submitted photos with their expertise and international perspective.

Svetlana Ivanenko, one of the founders of the Russian Union of Wildlife Photographers, is an organizer of exhibitions and expeditionary photo projects, and a distinguished photographer awarded in numerous prestigious international competitions.

Terje Kolaas, a Norwegian nature photographer, has written a book on bird photography, teaches species identification at Nord University and regularly travels around the world in search of bird photography themes.

Two new Hungarian members also strengthen the jury. Csaba Lóki nature photographer, and Attila Szilágyi, a photographer who considers protecting nature and birds as his vocation as a ranger at Hortobágy National Park.

The deadline for our two-round competition is June 16, 2024. The jury will score the photos that have made it to the second round after a pre-selection, thus determining the result. The venue and date of the public announcement of the results: Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden, November 2024

Do you know? Birdo Bird Photographer of the Year is the only photo competition in Hungary where birds are the main characters. Take advantage of this opportunity and apply now!


Photo: Ostapenko Darya: Storm - Birdo Bird Photographer of the Year 2023, Bird portrait Third place

 April 19, 2024
Birdo Nature Conservation Association
Email: info(at)bird-o(dot)hu

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