Birdo provides photographers with a whopping ten categories to compete in! However, there are specific requirements for submissions within each category. The good news? It's completely free to enter!Youth categoryAs its name suggests, is for young people under the age of 21 by the closing date. There is no lower age limit, but parental consent is required for entrants under 14. A maximum of 10 images can be uploaded here. It is advisable to enter wit...
Birds are present everywhere, so we welcome everyone to the competition who walks the world with open eyes and recognizes the beauty of birds either in the park, garden or even the urban jungle. The diversity of birds guarantees a spectacular competition again this year, but it's important that we only accept photos taken based on ethical principles. It is expected that the photographer will not disturb the birds in their breeding, resting places, or natur...
On November 4th, at the Giants' Hall of the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden, the winners of the 2023 Birdo Awards were announced. We wanted the winners to feel appreciated at this festive event. It is important to us that Birdo provides reliable competition conditions for participants, with clear guidelines and a simple, secure application process. Therefore, it was a great pleasure to receive numerous positive feedback after the award ceremony.Here are ...
On November 4th, Saturday morning, in the Giants' Hall of the Budapest Zoo, a festive event took place, where the awards for Birdo's Bird Photographer of the Year 2023 competition were presented to this year's winners. The awards included certificates, the "Veled" award, prizes (with a total value of nearly 2 million Hungarian Forints), and the Birdo trophy for the grand prize winners.Over 120 guests, including press representatives, awarded photographers ...
Birdo Bird Photographer of the Year is currently the only photo competition in Hungary where birds take center stage. The organizers aim to expand the circle of people who love and protect birds, fostering a sense of commitment among participants. Only photos taken on ethical principles, without disturbing birds in their breeding and natural movements, are accepted for the competition. Bird photographers could compete in 10 different categories without an ...
Közönségszavazás a Birdo Az év madárfotósa 2023 elnevezésű pályázatra beküldött, és a második fordulóba bejutott fotókra.Részvételi SzabályzatA Közönségszavazás szervezőjeA Birdo Természetvédelmi Egyesület (székhely: 1136 Budapest, Raoul Wallenberg utca 5., nyilvántartási száma: 01-02-0018000, képviseli: Takács Zsuzsanna elnök) - a továbbiakban: Szervező – nyeremény-játékkal összekötött közönségszavazást szervez (a továbbiakban: Közönségszavazás) a Faceboo...